Nah, I am sure the Zyto scanner is correct, it’s the operator that is having a hard time analyzing this one!

I am a very determined Grandma and I am hoping for help out there! First all, let me show you the adorable subject!  Well one of them, as there are two!  Now, to be technical there are 3 adorable grandsons, but the issue I am trying to conquer is in regards to one of the twins here:facebookcover Julian2

Julian is the little sweetheart on the top in the photo with the twins, and also the one in the individual picture on the right.  He was diagnosed with a rare, incurable disease, called Urticaria Pigmentosa, which we were told there is nothing we can do for him, other than give him an antihistamine.  This disease causes the body to release so much histamine resulting in major breakouts on the skin.  His poor little body is plastered full of spots that eventually turn into blisters.  They can become very irritating, and can lead to many issues such as unstable blood pressure, depression, irritability, he cannot be in the heat as the spots very quickly form into blisters when he gets overheated, etc.  They say at some point he would more than likely grow out of it, but it could be into his teens.

I did a Zyto scan on him and I have yet to determine why, but it showed his out of sync biomarkers could be brought back into range with Thyme.  If anyone has any suggestions as to what correlation Thyme might have to do with his condition, I would certainly love to hear it.  I am sure this little guy would appreciate some help on the subject as well.

Follow along as Grandma keeps on digging with determination to fix her little man!

6/26/21013 Here are some pictures I wanted to add to compare once we get the DDR Prime!  Poor little guy!

2013-06-26_09-32-53_912 2013-06-26_09-33-09_372 2013-06-26_09-34-23_953


18 thoughts on “This Thyme, was the Zyto scanner Wrong? Determined Grandma will find out why!

  1. I should also mention….this is exciting! The Zyto scanner chose only two products for being the Thyme I mentioned in my blog, the other Citrus Bliss. Being the Modern Essentials indicated Thyme should not be used on children under 6, we held off on that one until further research could be done. However, she started putting Citrus Bliss on Julian, as well as diffusing it. She has seen REMARKABLE changes in him! Not changes to the physical conditions of this disease, but to his behavior. She sent me a message yesterday that said “we got our JuJu back!” He was back to smiling and giggling and being a happy little guy again! Ah…music to my ears! Now we just need to find something to stop the skin condition for taking over his body! I love you doTERRA!

  2. Hi! I found your post on the forum and for some reason I could not log in. I want to say that lavender is a wonderful anti-histamine and I use it in my baby for allergies. Maybe that will help your precious grandson?

    1. Thank you for the reply! I know she had used lavender on all her boys at one time. Maybe I need to tell her to start that again and make it a routine for a while and see if it helps. Thanks again and have a wonderful day!

  3. Hi Carla,
    My son has urticaria pigmentosa too! His spots don’t bother him though. He is 3 and we noticed his first spots at 6 weeks old. We didn’t know what it was until he was almost a year old. I plan to use DDR prime when we can afford it to see if it helps them fade faster (maybe I should use my points for it!). The spots really take a long time to go away. Heat makes them worse, fever too, but it hasn’t kept us from any activities. We decided against using the daily antihistamine. We do have an Epi pen since he could be more sensitive to stings. Or if something were to make him get too many spots at once and he would have too much histamine released that could lead to anaphylaxis.
    I am excited to see your post and another doTERRA users experience!!

    1. Thank you so much for the reply! I truly appreciate the input. Julian was taken off the daily meds yesterday because they did not help and his spots were much worse at this appointment. We found after one partial day in a house without air resulted in 3 blisters on his poor little head! It wasnt even that hot! We are ordering the DDR prime…so I am so hoping for success!

      1. Do his spots seem uncomfortable? I think the DDR will help them fade faster. I think I’ll put it on my next order. I am thinking about making a spray so it’s easier to apply (his whole body is covered – except face, hands, feet).

      2. It’s hard to tell if Julian’s spots specifically bother him…but maybe the process that causes the spots to appear is where we see him more irritated. He gets restless and cranky for a few days and then the spots pop out and blisters form. It makes me wonder if he is experiencing discomfort as the histamine is releasing? He tends to have diarrhea during that time as well and it is hard to comfort him.

        I am thinking the DDR prime would be more to help him regenerate his cells properly and at a stable rate and hopefully it will stop the excessive release of histamine. But if it would help fade the spots as well…that would be a welcomed bonus!

  4. EXCITED! DDR Prime is on the way! My daughter has been faithful about putting doTERRA lavender on Julian. It is mixed with fractionated coconut oil. She has noticed the spots are much less irritating to him and he hasn’t been blistering. The other night he was so fidgety and very noticeably itchy; he was crying and nothing would comfort him. She took his shirt off because his back is probably the worse area of his body. She began to apply the lavender/FCO and IMMEDIATELY his calmed down and just appeared so soothed. It is SO wonderful to hear news like that. When you see such a sweet little boy suffering and doTERRA essential oils brings relief to him, that is absolutely priceless!

  5. It has been a while since I updated on this topic. We saw some improvement in Julian, but I don’t think it was from the DDR Prime. I think a combination of LLP (Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint) is keeping his disease at bay. It seems to help control the formation of the spots and the blistering, but nothing has diminished the spots themselves. I just got some immortelle, so I am going to have her try that mixed with some fractionated coconut oil and see if that will help.

  6. Oh I am reading these updates now…This has been so interesting to read. Poor Julian I hope they can get to the root issue. I am sure the symptoms are horrible but hoping for him along with you all that the root will be found and that there is an oil for it! How is he doing nowa month later?

  7. Hi Carla, my name is Jamie Lambertson. I use Young Living Oils, but my son, Samuel is is 5.5 years old was born with an extensive case of UP. His first blister was at 7 days old. I’m so sorry that you and your family have to go through this. We have been to numerous doctors (including UCLA) and they just kept putting him on more and more medicines. On an encouraging note, the bigger your grandson gets, the blistering will slow down and should stop. Samuel was on 23 cc of anti-histamines for most of his life-Allegra, Atarax, and Zantac. He has been off of everything for a week now and is doing ok. He’s been ingesting Lemon, Lavender, & Peppermint 3x a day. Blue Tansy, Cloves, & Copaiba 2-3x a day. Blue Tansy is suppose to be the strongest natural anti-histamine out there. He’s not itchy or blistering. He has a little cold, so that could be why he’s a little rashier OR his body is detoxifying all those drugs OR I might need to increase his oil dose. The thing that you have to realize with UP is that even though it’s shows in the skin, it’s a mast cell and histamine issue. That’s what you need to attack. There is controversy over if Cloves, Lemon, Citrus Oils actually increase histamine levels instead of decrease them. So, I might just try giving Samuel Peppermint and Lavender together (without the Lemon). And Copaiba and Blue Tansy without the Cloves. Copaiba helps digestive issues, which are huge in UP kids (H2-Blocker). It also increases the potency of other oils you add it too. Also, be careful with his diet. Unfortunately, most of the first foods are high in histamine levels-like bananas and avocados. Samuel diet is about 60% gluten-free. I would like to get it 100% because I think that will help his histamine levels too. Another thing that helped the blistering for Samuel was “Nasalcrom” nose spray. I poured a bottle of Nasalcrom in a spray bottle and filled the rest with bottled water. When your grandson is ready to get a blister-just spray it on that spot. It should stop from blistering. DoTerra might have a natural remedy, but Nasalcrom was such a saving grace when Samuel was blistering so much. Lavender will definitely help your grandson’s skin heal. The Frankincense will help the skin not scar. Feel free to contact me by email: if you have any questions. I’ve been through it all and I know you need people to walk with you through all your questions. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for the information. My gosh you have done your homework! I will certainly share this with my daughter. I appreciate you taking the time to educate us further…anything helps as it is hard watching those sweet children suffer!

  8. My son is about 8 months old and he has also been diagnosed with urticaria pigmentosa. We had a skin biopsy done to confirm 100%. Thankfully, he does not have the systemic version called mastocytosis. We had blood work done and his tryptase level was within normal limits- so that’s good news. The dermatologist said he would eventually grow out of the skin breakouts/blisters. However, I’d like to find something to help ease his irritation now. We were prescribed a topical medication but it has possible side effects which make me hesitant to use it. I was reading about the essential oils you have used- I’m brand new to the idea of using oils. Any other advice/suggestions for someone totally unfamiliar with this form of treatment???

    1. I am sorry to hear your son is dealing with this same issue! It is really hard to watch those precious little ones suffer! If you don’t mind, I am going to email you my daughter’s contact information. I would like you to chat directly with her because she can tell you first hand what is working and not working since she deals with this on a daily basis with Julian who just turned 1 in January. It is very helpful when you can talk with someone who really can feel your pain. I will get you her information. I pray all goes will for your little guy!

  9. Hello,
    My daughter has UP too. She got them around 3 months and is going to be 1 year old next month. We were told the same, they will go away with time. The dermatologist gave us 2 different oral medicines, which I do not like giving her, and a topical steroid cream that I try to use twice a day as recommended, I don’t like using steroids on her but I feel it’s the only thing keeping her spots at bay. I recently got into doTerra and I’m an IPC as well.. the thing is, you don’t see this disease listed with doTerra.. So, it would be great to hear of any oil combinations for helping the poor kids with UP! Her spots don’t flare up that bad, but I can tell she gets itchy and cranky, especially when you change her diaper. If you could, let me know via email what has been working for UP. I just randomly came across your blog from Google, I am so glad I did. There isn’t many UP + doTerra articles out there!
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Ragen,
      I am sorry your daughter has to go through this too! I find it hard to watch them poor kids go through things like this! Julian has been taking off all the medications as they found no relief in them, in fact, his spots became worse on the medication. So now her only option is to use the oils as much as she can to help him. She uses lavender alot as you see visible improvements with his squirming when that is used. She uses it either in a roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil, or also with the lotion from doTERRA and she adds the lavender to it. Both work very well for that. We also tried the DDR Prime, and it didn’t seem to make any real significant difference, but it is sometimes hard to tell if it just kept new ones from forming? She also uses lemon, lavender, peppermint when things flare up. We keep hoping he will outgrow his. He is just over a year now, so I am afraid he has some time to go before that will happen! You are certainly welcome to keep in contact with us and if you like, I can share my daughter’s email with you! Best of luck you to and your little one!

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